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The Art and Science of B2B Prospecting

As the CEO of MarketLauncher, Lara is the visionary who gets clients and team members excited about what can be and then finds ways to make it happen. Lara has always had a talent for designing new business strategies, from the fledgling start-up ad agency she joined right out of college to an opportunity to help launch Inc. Magazine’s CEO peer groups on a national scale. (4)

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New Promotions Position ML for Continued Growth in the New Year
MarketLauncher is excited to announce the promotion of three long term employees- Michelle Haarde, Erin Studstill and Terri-Lynne Anderson.
Riding Out COVID-19: Applying Strategic Outbound Sales & Digital Strategies
The global pandemic’s impact on revenue generation efforts is beginning to move back to pre-COVID-19 numbers.
A Look at the Data: COVID-19's Impact on Sales Development
In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, sales executives across every industry had to make quick and critical strategy decisions.
Rice vs. Wheat: Why Strategic Outbound Sales is Different Than Cold Calling
Traditional outbound sales is ineffective. Strategic Outbound Sales should function like a rice paddy -- “It all depends on hard work and fertilizer.”
Sales Enablement Automation: How Much Is Too Much?
A key element of sales enablement automation is behavior-driven email, but sometimes it can actually add more friction to the buying experience.
Overcome the Summer Slump & Build Your Target Audience
The summer slump won't get you down if you take the next few months to build out your target audience of qualified decision-makers.
Building a Qualified Sales Pipeline for PE Funded Firms
How can you build a qualified sales pipeline? We’ve got some insight and a historical track record we’re excited to share.
From Marketing to Sales: How to Make the Transition and Close the Deal
The transition from marketing to sales isn’t easy, which is why ML has put together 4 tips for moving your marketing leads down the sales pipeline.
Why Q4 Sales Planning Makes for a Strong 2019
Want to make 2019 your best sales year yet? If you have a long sales cycle, make Q4 sales planning your top priority, and see the results.
How to Build an Effective B2B Account Based Marketing Strategy
B2B account based marketing is one of the best ways to generate qualified sales leads and close sales deals faster. Here we let you in on why.